Request Support
We are here to help you get the most out of DataMagic. If you have any questions or need assistance, the Feedback link in the top right of this page will allow you to submit:
All feedback is answered during UK business hours and we aim to respond within one working day.
Bug Reports
Despite our best efforts, bugs do occasionally slip through the net. If you experience an issue with DataMagic, please follow the steps below to report it to our support team:
- Navigate to the page were you are experiencing the issue
- Click the Feedback link
- Select "Bug Report"
- Provide as much detail as possible about the issue you are experiencing, including:
- What you were doing when the issue occurred
- What you expected to happen
- What actually happened
- Any error messages you received
- Keep any screenshots you can ready for when support contacts you.
- A message will appear in the bottom left hand corner of the page with a ticket number starting DM- please take note of this for future reference.
- A member of our support team will reach out to you shortly to assist you, at which point please be ready to provide additional information, screenshots etc.
Feature Requests
We welcome all users of DataMagic to submit their ideas for additional features and general improvements and will take any of their ideas into consideration when planning future releases. Customer-requested features are marked as a high priority and are often included in the next release.
To submit a request for a new feature:
- Select "Feature Request" from the Type drop down
- In the Summary, please enter a description of the feature you would like, with much detail as you can provide.
- Press Submit.
- A message will appear in the bottom left hand corner of the page with a ticket number starting DM- please take note of this for future reference.
- We may contact you requesting more information.
- Once added to the roadmap, your requested feature will be marked with the associated ticket number.
Support Requests
Some features, such as remote SQL access, require additional configuration and setup. If you require assistance with any of these features, please follow the steps below:
- Select "Support Request" from the Type drop down
- In the Summary, please provide details of the support we can provide.
- Press Submit.
- A message will appear in the bottom left hand corner of the page with a ticket number starting DM- please take note of this for future reference.
- We will contact you requesting more information.